A Model for Strategic Control of a Resilient Organization (Case Study: Bank Mellat)
The aim of this study is to design a model for the strategic control of a resilient organization in Bank Mellat. From the perspective of its objective, this research is considered a fundamental study. In this research, fifteen interviews were conducted with banking industry experts, all of whom have more than 15 years of work experience. Moreover, this study is a descriptive-survey research in terms of its nature and methodology and is classified as a mixed-methods study (qualitative-quantitative) based on its execution and type of data. Data collection was carried out using interviews and questionnaires. The study population in the interview phase consisted of experts and senior specialists in the field under investigation. In the first phase of the study and the qualitative section, the dimensions (main themes) and subcategories (sub-themes) of factors affecting the strategic control of a resilient organization were identified and extracted using MAXQDA software. Based on the results obtained from MAXQDA, the identified themes include organizational preparedness level, environmental adaptability, effects and consequences, risk and crisis management, planning and organizational structure, technology and tools, and resources and budget. The results also categorized the sub-themes extracted in the previous stages of thematic analysis into three main themes: organizational performance indicators, organizational cultural indicators, and organizational managerial indicators. The findings from the qualitative phase of the study were compiled into a questionnaire compatible with the ISM technique and presented to experts in the relevant field. The panel for this phase was selected based on a combination of experts with diverse specializations, and a sample size of 15 was used.
Designing a Strategic Human Resource Planning Model Based on Artificial Intelligence Development
The present study aims to design a strategic human resource planning model based on the development of artificial intelligence. This research is applied in terms of its objective, survey-descriptive in terms of method, and qualitative in terms of research type. The statistical population of the study consisted of academic experts in the fields of human resources, computer science and artificial intelligence, information systems, and managers of advertising companies in Iraq. The research sample was selected based on the principle of theoretical saturation using purposive (judgmental) sampling from among the experts. Data analysis was conducted using thematic analysis with the MAXQDA software. The qualitative findings of the study indicate that the proposed model comprises five dimensions: developing organizational culture, attracting and retaining AI-related talents, designing artificial intelligence systems to enhance human resource processes, data analysis and forecasting, and training and development. The study's findings suggest that AI-driven training programs aimed at enhancing employee skills can be designed online and adapted to real work conditions, enabling employees to acquire new skills effectively.
Strategic Management Process: The Role of Emerging Technologies and Decision-Making Performance
The present study aims to examine the impact of the strategic management process on decision-making performance, considering the role of emerging technologies. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of method. The statistical population of the study consists of 145 managers and technology experts in knowledge-based companies in Isfahan, from whom 105 individuals were randomly selected as the sample using Cochran’s formula. To collect the required data, a researcher-developed questionnaire based on a five-point Likert scale was used. The content validity of the instrument was confirmed by specialists and experts, while its reliability was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability. The validity of the instrument was evaluated through three methods: construct validity (outer model), convergent validity (AVE), and discriminant validity. The AVE value for all variables must be greater than 0.5. To test the research hypotheses, structural equation modeling was conducted using Smart PLS 2 statistical software. The findings indicate that all research hypotheses were confirmed. Accordingly, strategic thinking, strategic planning, and emerging technologies have a significant impact on decision-making performance and can effectively contribute to improving strategic management processes and making strategic decisions.
Designing a Measurement Model for Perceived Organizational Ruthlessness and Explaining Its Impact on Organizational Performance with a Strategic Approach (Case Study: Textile Industry of Isfahan Province)
This study aims to design a measurement model for perceived organizational ruthlessness and to explain its impact on organizational performance with a strategic approach in the textile industry of Isfahan Province. This study employs a mixed-methods approach. In the qualitative phase, 13 university professors and senior managers from the textile industry were selected through purposive snowball sampling. Open and semi-structured interviews were conducted, and data were analyzed using Strauss and Corbin’s grounded theory method. In the quantitative phase, a sample of 344 individuals from a population of 2,554 was selected based on Cochran’s formula. To test the model developed in the qualitative phase and examine its impact on organizational performance, research instruments (questionnaires) were used, and the data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) with LISREL software. The concepts were identified in six dimensions: factors influencing perceived organizational ruthlessness (causal conditions), the structure of perceived organizational ruthlessness (central phenomenon), contextual factors affecting perceived organizational ruthlessness (contextual conditions), intervening factors influencing perceived organizational ruthlessness (intervening conditions), strategies for mitigating perceived organizational ruthlessness (strategies), and the outcomes of mitigating perceived organizational ruthlessness (outcomes), forming the research model. The quantitative phase examined the impact of strategies for mitigating perceived organizational ruthlessness. The research was confirmed at a 95% confidence level. In other words, based on the research hypothesis, strategies for mitigating perceived organizational ruthlessness have a direct and positive impact on organizational performance in the textile industry of Isfahan Province.
Risk Analysis Model in Digital Banking and Its Impact on the Investment Portfolio of Financial Institutions
The present study aims to develop a risk analysis model in digital banking and examine its impact on the investment portfolio of financial institutions. This research is applied in nature, as it addresses a real-world issue and its findings can provide effective solutions for financial institution managers to enhance and optimize their investment portfolios. In terms of data collection methods, this study is descriptive and employs a survey-analytical approach. The statistical population includes experts, managers, and elites in the banking industry in Tehran. The sample size was determined using the sampling formula for an unlimited population and Morgan's table, resulting in a selection of 384 participants. The data collection tool was a questionnaire based on a five-point Likert scale. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistical indices such as mean, standard deviation, and range of variation. To examine conceptual relationships, structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed based on the partial least squares (PLS) method using SmartPLS3 software. This method was chosen due to its compatibility with specific conditions, such as non-normal data distribution and small sample sizes. The results of structural equation modeling were presented and analyzed through the software outputs. The findings of the study indicate that effective risk management associated with digital transformation has a direct impact on improving and optimizing investment portfolios. These findings can assist financial institution managers in designing sustainable strategies and mitigating risks arising from the digitalization process.
Designing a Human Resource Performance Model with a Thematic-Based Strategic Value Development Approach
The present study aims to design a human resource performance model with a thematic-based strategic value development approach. The research method is exploratory-applied in terms of purpose, cross-sectional in terms of data collection time, inductive-deductive in terms of philosophical orientation, and survey-based in terms of data collection method and research nature. The statistical population consists of knowledge-based companies in Iraq. A sample of relevant experts (10 individuals) was selected for qualitative analysis and interviews. The statistical sample for this part of the study was chosen purposively based on the principle of theoretical saturation. The sampling method was snowball sampling. The research instrument was a semi-structured interview. Data analysis was conducted using thematic analysis. The research findings indicate that the proposed model comprises five dimensions: setting goals and standards, enhancing work performance, providing regular feedback and evaluation, developing a reward and incentive system, and improving skills and knowledge. This study recommends that knowledge-based companies utilize performance management tools and software to facilitate data collection, goal tracking, and performance evaluation. Such systems can provide precise information for strategic decision-making.
Examining the Smart Marketing Model with a Focus on Artificial Intelligence in the Banking Industry
This study employs an interpretive research approach based on grounded theory. The research method utilized is descriptive-survey, and in terms of its purpose, the present research is developmental-applied. Given the qualitative nature of the study, credibility was assessed and confirmed using indices of relevance and applicability. Sampling in this study was conducted using the snowball method. The research population consisted of university professors, managers, and experts in the banking industry, and the sample size was determined based on the principle of theoretical saturation. Ultimately, data collection was completed through semi-structured interviews with 17 participants. The results indicated that causal factors, including artificial intelligence and emerging technologies, customer needs and expectations, advancements in information and communication technology, competition in the banking industry, and changes in consumer behavior, serve as the primary drivers of smart marketing. Contextual factors, including the competitive environment of the banking industry, regulatory frameworks and policies, the vast volume of data, and organizational culture, create the necessary conditions for implementing this model. Meanwhile, intervening factors such as information technology infrastructure, organizational support and investment in technology, and legal and ethical constraints act as either barriers or facilitators in implementing the smart marketing model. The central phenomenon of this model is smart marketing in the banking industry, pursued through strategies such as implementing artificial intelligence systems, forecasting market trends, automating marketing processes, and developing customer-centric services. Ultimately, these actions lead to outcomes such as increased customer satisfaction, improved financial performance, enhanced customer experience, targeted marketing, and risk and security management. This model represents a dynamic and interconnected cycle in which each component contributes to the successful realization of smart marketing in banks.
Designing a Human Resource Productivity Model with a Focus on Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
Occupational health and safety management is a critical aspect of organizational success, emphasizing the creation of safe work environments that enhance employee well-being and productivity. Occupational health and safety management not only ensures regulatory compliance but also contributes to economic benefits and improves the organizational image. The present study aims to design a human resource productivity model with a focus on occupational health and safety management systems. The study is applied in terms of its objective and employs a survey methodology. The research follows a qualitative approach. Accordingly, the research method is exploratory-applied based on its objective. The statistical population of the study includes university professors and industry managers in the construction sector in the city of Karbala. The sample size consists of 10 construction industry managers selected using the snowball sampling method. The thematic analysis method was used for data analysis. The research instrument was a semi-structured interview. The findings indicate that the most influential factors in human resource productivity, with a focus on occupational health and safety management systems, include job creation, scientific training and development, establishing effective communication, risk management, and providing rewards and incentives. One of the key recommendations of this study is the use of modern technologies by organizations to identify, assess, and control risks. Additionally, continuous monitoring and improvement can also be effective. In other words, organizations should consistently monitor the performance of their risk management systems and take necessary actions for improvement.
About the Journal
Digital Transformation and Administration Innovation (DTAI) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the fields of digital transformation and artificial intelligence. The journal is a platform for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to disseminate high-quality research and innovations that explore the intersection of these two transformative domains. In particular, DTAI focuses on the integration of digital technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning techniques to foster more agile, sustainable, and efficient organizations, industries, and societal systems.
The journal provides comprehensive insights into how AI and digital transformation are reshaping businesses, governments, educational systems, healthcare, and other industries globally. It seeks to contribute to both theoretical and practical knowledge through the publication of empirical studies, case reports, conceptual papers, and reviews that explore the critical drivers and barriers of digital transformation and AI integration. The journal encourages interdisciplinary research that connects technology, business, and society while highlighting the ethical, organizational, and policy implications of these changes.
Digital Transformation and Administration Innovation serves as an essential resource for researchers, technology developers, managers, and policymakers, keeping them informed on the latest advances, trends, and best practices. By covering a wide range of topics, including AI, machine learning, IoT, blockchain, cybersecurity, and data analytics, the journal ensures that the most pressing issues of modern digital evolution are addressed from multiple perspectives.
Current Issue

Hybrid Leadership Models in the Age of Digital Transformation
Mahdi Soleymani ; Mahbubeh Ghavidast Kouhpayeh *24-30